District Heating
For a low-carbon future, choose District Heating with Ground Source Heat Pumps to connect communities sustainably…
Here at Vital Heating Solutions, we never compromise on quality. Our infrastructure solutions represent a highly competitive district heating and cooling network installations. We collaborate with councils, local authorities, energy from waste heat providers and private investors, as an independent partner delivering the following district heating solutions. Our specialist technical know-how of heating networks and operator understanding makes us your ideal partner for your next district heating project.
For a low carbon future choose District Heating
District heating is the green solution for a simple, cost-effective way to build new homes to the Future Homes standard, while saving on the cost of boiler installation, operation and maintenance. This gives your new building project an interesting added value. With building and construction accounting for 39% of global carbon emissions, including 28% from energy used to heat, cool and light buildings, the sector has a lead role to play in the transition towards a zero-carbon future.